8 Caring Tips for Newborns during COVID-19

You have waited nine months for your newborn to arrive and you just can’t wait to take care of your child. You ate well, took prenatal vitamins, attended appointments, and did your best to keep yourself and your baby healthy. Now that your baby has arrived, how do you keep him or her healthy during the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic?

1. Physical distancing is needed

It may be really thrilling and while many new mothers are excited to introduce their new baby to family members, physical distancing remains the best strategy for limiting the risk of infection for your new babies. This means that people who do not live with you should not come to see your baby until the COVID-19 pandemic has resolved most especially that it is a newborn. Use social media or video applications, such as FaceTime, Skype, and Zoom, to connect with friends and family members who do not live with you to introduce your baby, to prevent unwanted things from happening.

2. Wash hands frequently

Make sure that all the caretakers and siblings should wash their hands frequently and properly or take special care to wash hands before touching newborns. This is a practice even before the pandemic.

3. Your baby should be around people who live in the same household only

The baby should only be around people who live in the house and those who are asymptomatic. If someone has COVID-19 symptoms, make sure to isolate that person from the baby and family as much as possible. Overall, avoid taking the baby out of the house and prevent exposing the baby to the virus. Take advantage of online shopping and grocery pickup. As the famous saying goes “It’s better safe than sorry”

4. Get Vaccinated

There is a mandate from the Pfizer BioNtech vaccine that the emergency use of authorization from the Food and Drug Administration, including authorization to vaccinate pregnant and breastfeeding women. The U.S advisory committee on immunization practices recommends with the Pfizer BioNtech vaccine that these patients discuss vaccination with their healthcare providers.

5. Clean surfaces and objects that your kid touches a lot. 

Long before COVID-19 happened, this is a must to avoid illnesses. This is a must since you are living with a toddler who has an immune system that has yet to develop. Try not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth to avoid being infected. 

6. Establish safe sleeping for your child

A sofa is not a safe sleep location. Neither is mom’s bed, due to the danger of accidental suffocation which you might not be able to check during the midnight. Babies need to sleep alone, on their backs and in the crib, with no stuffed animals, pillows, blankets or bumper pads Working to establish a regular sleeping pattern is helpful for both baby and parents.

7. Don’t be afraid to let go of your baby

There is no such thing as holding the baby too much, and yes it helps with mental development and bonding. However, you need to be able to get a shower. Your baby will be just fine if you put them down in their crib while you attend to essential tasks for yourself.

8. Monitor eating habit

If you are breastfeeding your baby, they will need to eat every one to two hours in their first few days. Then, they will need to eat eight to ten times in 24 hours during their first weeks of life. Frequent breastfeeding helps stimulate more milk production. Let baby be the guide. 

If you are looking for a trusted and medical clinic. We are happy to inform you that Kaiser Medical Center does offer consultations for you and your baby. You may call our branch near you to schedule your Teleconsultation.

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