How is high blood pressure determined? What is normal blood pressure? These are the usual questions that most people ask about high blood pressure or hypertension.
So how it is determined. Usually, when you go in for a medical check-up, your blood pressure is checked with a blood pressure monitor that is attached to your arm that will pump up the pressure around it. A meter will be checked with two numbers, The top number is your systolic reading or the peak blood pressure when your heart is squeezing blood out. The bottom number is your diastolic reading or the pressure when your heart is filling with blood.
So what is then the normal blood pressure rate? The normal blood pressure is less than 120 on top and less than 80 on the bottom. If you reached 120 – 139 on top and 80 – 89, you have prehypertension levels. High blood pressure reaches the rate from 140 – 159 or higher on top and 80 – 89 or higher on the bottom.
The higher the blood pressure, the more that it needs to be checked and monitored to lower it down to the normal rate to save you from the risk of other heart complications.
So how to prevent your blood pressure to shoot up? High blood pressure is caused either through genes or through lifestyle choices that can harm you like smoking, excess weight, or too much alcohol intake.
It is advisable to have regular check-ups with your doctors to determine which appropriate steps you need to do and what medication to intake to help you lower your blood pressure.