9 Tips to Tame Stress

Stress is one of the most common complaints that everyone had. Stress is a physiological and psychological response to situations the body and mind find to be overwhelming. We often ask ourselves how we should manage stress. 

Here are 9 tips that will help you reduce stress.

1. Meditate

Meditation is a great way to de-stress yourself from everyday life. There are many guided meditations available on the internet that can help you find 5 minutes of centered relaxation.

2. Practice Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is a great way to reduce the activation of your sympathetic nervous system, which controls the body’s response to a perceived threat. 

3. Regular Exercise and a Balanced Diet

Regular exercise and a balanced diet are two important components of the response to stress. Both are proven to be great stress reliever and also helps to improve your overall quality of life

4. Manage Social Media Time

Spending too much time on social media can become stressful because of the things that you see on them. Unplug for a moment like reading a book, doing your favorite hobby, or spending quality time with your family and friends in person.

5. Connect with Others.

Connecting more to people to feel supported is important to your well-being. Enjoying a shared activity allows you to find support and foster relationships that can be supportive in difficult times.

6. Have a Work-life Balance

If you’re spending too much time at the office, intentionally put more dates in your calendar to enjoy time for fun, either alone or with others.

7. Build in Regular Exercise

Moving your body on a regular basis balances the nervous system and increases blood circulation, helping to flush out stress hormones. 

8. Avoiding Vices 

Dangerous vices like alcohol and nicotine may temporarily relieve stress but have negative health impacts and can make stress worse in the long run.

9. Seek Help

Don’t be afraid to seek help from a psychiatrist if negative thoughts overwhelm your ability and it is starting to affect your body activity. 

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9 Tips to Tame Stress

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